Drop Off - Please park in the parking lot facing the 914/27 redlight and walk up the steps to the two glass doors. Once inside, walk up the ramp to the check in stations. We will print out a nametag and you will get a pick up tag. This is your "ticket" to pick up your child at the end of VBS (for safety reasons). If you are not picking your child up, then please text a photo of this ticket to your pickup person. You will then walk down the stairs, send your child into the sanctuary (you can also walk them in!), and then head up the ramp from there!
Pick Up - Park in the same lot as drop off. Come up the ramp as before, walk down the steps, and then wait. Please do not open the doors until they are opened by our volunteers. We will start dismissal at 12pm. You will show your pick up tag, tell the youth volunteer your child's name, and they will match tags and bring you your child.